Why do Ukrainians fear drafts?

A few weeks ago my eye started to hurt. Actually, it was the bottom part of my eyelid – the soft part where tears well and where flies always end up if they get into your eye. It wasn’t a bad pain, but I kept rubbing it and it swelled up a bit and went…


Back to black

Every year as Ukrainian bursts into colour for its autumnal display of reds, oranges, yellows and browns, the Ukrainians do the exact opposite. Almost everyone retreats into their winter uniform of black. In fact, the contrast between summer and autumn Ukrainian fashion is almost as striking at the contrast between seasons. By early November, their…

Well water, Kiev

Well Water for city dwellers

The water supply system has broken down in a subburb of the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. No worries. There is always the local water well. Dozens of people line up to get there plastic bottles filled. There is also a queue in a nearby district. No problems with the water system here, but people just…

Ukrainian Logic

I’m a naturally curious person. Like an over-grown baby, I love to try new things and explore new places and I want to touch, poke and pull on things until I get into trouble. I like asking why? What? How? and When? and I’m constantly trying to make sense of the inexplicable. Being like this…