Up in smoke

Ukraine is a heavy smoker – that’s no secret, and anyone who’s ever been will know that smoking is pretty much a national sport. According to a report published in 2009,‘Ukraine has about 16.5 million smokers and one of the highest rates of male smoking prevalence in the world’. Cigarettes are advertised everywhere, cigarettes are cheap, you…

Feeling like a Ukrainian

You know you’ve been in Ukraine too long when…

Have you been in Ukraine too long? Have you assimilated, forgotten your native personality and started to behave like a Ukrainian? Here’s a check-list to help you find out. You know you’ve been in Ukraine too long when… You put ukrop (dill) on everything. I mean EVERYTHING. Your not scared of the street dogs. You know how to…


Video: The Pushcha-Voditsa forest tram

The Pushcha-Voditsa tram was described by one online nutcase as ‘the most incredible tram journey in the world’. I wouldn’t go that far, but it is quite cool. It leaves Kyiv and chugs off through some forests before arriving at a small, sleep yet beautiful spa town. Kyiv trams were built in Czechoslovakia in the bronze age,…